Sunday, July 09, 2006

Non-Mario golf

I went out to the bucket club with my dad a few days ago, friday I think, and hit a bucket of balls. Now, I used to work there and routinely hit off 100 balls a day and had a pretty good swing when it got right down to it, balls went straight, and if I tried hard I could hit the the church on the other side of the fence at the end of the range. They finally got around to put a big net up there so you can't do that anymore... not that I could these days!
I didn't realize how long it had been! Like 6 years? 7 years? I sucked for a good long time, then got somewhat of a decent swing back, but I have a huge hook now and all my muscles hurt like the wind. We're going out to play a real game of golf on wednesday. I've never played real golf ever! It will be wonky.

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