Friday, February 29, 2008

American Gods

Neil Gaiman and Harper Colins are giving away American Gods online for free for a little bit. It's a great modern mythology tale, kind of Steven King-ish.

Check it out here:

Wednesday, February 27, 2008


So, I finally saw Akira Kurosawa's Rashomon. It's the first of the "multiple points of view" movies, filmed way back in 1950. I was a little disappointed if just from my expectations. I thought the points of view would be complimentary and add up to the final truth of the situation, where it was actually all conflicting views and you have to sort out for yourself who's telling the truth. Still quite good, I'd have to watch it again but I might prefer it to The Seven Samurai. Anyways, watching the Medium scene I had a feeling I'd seen it before then remembered seeing it on Neil Gaiman's blog in a far more creepy form

seriously, you shouldn't watch this before trying to go to sleep

Monday, February 25, 2008

Cover song

So I picked up Raising Sand, the country album by Robert Plant and Alison Krauss. It's that old school folky country, so it's simple, catchy and I like it. I really like their version or Trampled Rose, cause the original Tom Waits version would frequently get skipped over. Anyways, it's a pretty sweet album so far and goes well with my recent Cuff The Duke kick.

Oh, and I found out today that Richard Dawkins came up with the word Meme, and that I've been pronouncing it wrong for years, but that it follows the nature of memes that I would...