Sunday, July 09, 2006

Movers and Shakers

So my little sister got evicted. Well, almost evicted. The people she was renting from wanted to use her apartment for a nursery or some such nonsense, and are moving her into the apt right upstairs from where she is now. She gets an extra room for only $50 more. Or course, it really means that she has to take all her things up a rickety set of steel stairs. So I got to help! Man, all of the big stuff that we took up there seemed like it was custom made for that entrance. The futon, the box spring, her tv. All of it had like less than an inch of clearance to play with. It was all kinds of fun! I got to fix her vacuum too cause she'd cleaned up wallpaper with it and jammed the hose. Good times! Then I had some of the pepsi that her mom left behind and we watched the second episode of the new Rockstar show. I thought that they kicked off the best of the three guys that were up for elmination, and that they loved the guy who put on the worst show. Then I though about it for a second. These guys are from Motley Crew, Guns and Roses, and Metalica... I hate every song these bands ever made! No wonder I don't agree with their choice.

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