Tuesday, June 20, 2006

New Post Day

So I've got nothing to talk about, which almost immediately turns conversations to the Simpsons, video games or comic books. But not today! Maybe. I don't know. So my apartment is on the ground floor with one window, and in front of that window was a huge crop of alders effectively blocking our stars harmful radiation from my peaceful dreamland. But then one morning, and I'm not talking about a "Dave Standard" morning of 2 pm, actual morning, like 6:30 am three guys came around and cut them all down! What's the deal guys? I think one of them was my landlord. Come on landlord? Are my mornings not productive enough for you? Should I start getting the paper and do some reading up on my stocks while the Mrs trys to get the kids out of bed and fed so they also have productive mornings? Huh? Well I've got news for you Mister! You and your tree cutting guys. I just closed my window and managed to sleep in! Yup yup yup. I just played a game of go online. I got STOMPED. This guy kept trapping me in ladders and I always seemed to be one step behind in my capturing battles... He didn't have his rank up, so I didn't get a rank because of that, or something... I want to know how crappy I am!

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