Friday, September 22, 2006

Nap of Champions

The best thing about working in a trade is fucking off early on Fridays. It's not even expected that you'd stay til 5. Hell, the masons went home at noon! We stayed til 2:30 pulling wire, and that's probably only cause we had to have NB power come along and hook us up. Well, he had to open up a transformer, we pulled wires through it, and then he locked the transformer. We aren't alowed in those thingies, I'm not sure why...
But oh man, leaving at 2:30 on fridays is so fricken awesome! I came home, watched 2 episodes of THE TICK which is an awesome show but a pretty lousy dvd series. I WANT EXTRAS!!! Episode commentary isn't optional with these things, you haves to put it in there for geeks like me. They also left out an episode, which they claim is cause it sucked and nobody wanted to put it in there or something...
Then, it = nap time. And boy howdy did I ever nap. I got up at 8:30 and I could still go for another nap

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