Friday, August 11, 2006

The Incomparable Brian Wood

So, the people who read this know how I tend too the indie side of media. Today a package arrived from the internet for me filled to bursting with comics. Comics by Brian Wood. Now I know that Comics are a niche market, and even the BIG names don't have much recognition outside of it's fans. Like, Alan Moore, Grant Morrison, Neil Gaiman, Brian Bendis... These are the rock stars of the industry. But keep in mind that the best selling books only sell 150,000 copies. And those the big sellers. So independant comic book guys are about as indie as you can get. And when nobody's watching you can make some really good stuff! He writes about everything from the allure of small towns (Local) to journalism in modern war (DMZ) to punk rock romance (Pounded). So I completed my collection of his stuff and am just in fricken love with it.

If you think you'd like comics, but don't think capes are your thing ask me to pick you out one of his things to read. Or come borrow it, whatever.

I'm really having a nice obscure night, reading b&w comics, clicking my way through new music canada (check out "Can you do that dance?" by Pink Mountaintops), drinking Dr Pepper, and watching stolen Patlabor episodes

1 comment:

Dave said...

Oh man, you know what else that cat did? He did design work on Grand Theft Auto!!!! And I thought he was an unknown...