Thursday, August 03, 2006

Hey Lady, it's NOT in you to give

So I gave blood yesterday. I feel it's important to have a good supply of my blood type floating around in case of shenangins. Plus they sometimes have kick ass treats for you. Not this time though. But they did have those vanilla Oreo cookies, which kick ass! Vanilla is my favorite flavour of everything.

When I got there, there was this... I was gonna say middle aged, but she was more like a 3/4 aged woman already in a bed with her arm dripping away. So I did my iron test, filled out a questionaire, had my pulse, blood pressure & temp taken, was looked over for track lines, got more questions from a nurse about the things I might have exchanged for sex and / or drugs, then went out and ended up in the bed right next to this woman. Still there, her blood sack maybe half full.

Now I am a champion bleeder! I do okay on the clot tests, but I get an A for blood letting. I showed her how it was done, and in less than 20 minutes I was out of the bed again. Keep in mind they make you wait for 10 before standing up again after you finish. Booyah Grandma! So then I went and had a few oranges and a few juice boxes and a whole mess of cookies and water while reading some David Copperfield. I didn't pay much attention to how much time had passed but I looked back when I left and she was still there!

Come on! I know you want to be a hero (like me) but maybe you should be picking up a few pints instead of dropping one off

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