Thursday, March 29, 2007


So, I was watching Spike the other day when the very first Star Trek DS9 came on. And it made me realize that I hadnt really seen many of those, but I liked the ones I saw, so I went looking for some torrents and now I'm watching some of the first season stuff. It benefits from being a spin off of TNG cause it's like it didn't need that start up period to get it's feet. Also, Heroes is amazing, but it takes forever to come out! I'm gonna blame Jeff Loeb cause he was always late when he was writing Superman / Batman... Sure he doesn't actually write any episodes but I think it works to blame him. So there are a few Wii games on the horrizon that I am looking forward too. Well, there's two out right now that look fun, Godfather and Cooking Mama, and then Super Paper Mario is coming out! That looks quite grand, but it might be a little simple in the long run.

But somehow I have to get a copy of Puzzle Quest for Danielle's DS... Cause damn! I played the demo (and so should you all) And it only let me play for a little while but it was SO GROOD! Good and great. great and good. I mean, it's a bejewelled RPG! It kicks so much ass! Go play it!

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