Thursday, October 19, 2006

Essential Skills Assessment 5

So no work for me today! I had to write an exam to see if I'm smart enough to be an electrical apprentice. The one for construction electrician is the toughest one they have. Number Five!

Holy crap was it easy. multiple choice math questions? how can I possibly screw those up? The funny thing is that the only questions that I had no idea whatsoever on, where the ones specifically refering to the electrical trade! I took electrical circuts and junk back in grade 9, I don't remember that! So I guessed on maybe 10 questions and aced the rest of it. I even found a mistake in the exam and got to write up a form explianing to them just what they did wrong.

Why does 1 cubic meter of cold air weigh more than 1 cubic meter of warm air?

A. because the cold air has more volume
B. because the cold air is denser
C. because the cold air molecules are further apart
D. because the cold air molecules are closer together

Am I the only one who thought B and C are not only both right, but actually say the same thing?

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