Thursday, October 02, 2008

Conflicted about Dick

Dick Grayson that is! The CW is making a new DC Comics show, and it's about a character I think would make the best show evers! But they are making a show about Robin before his parents died. So, we'll have a young (or teenaged if I know the WB) Dick doing trapeze routines with his folks and probably having a love triangle with a bearded lady and the tattooed contortionist while solving Scoobie Doo-ish mysteries. Even saying that I'm excited for it, I mean it's DICK GRAYSON! Oh wait, it isn't. We can't have all the giggling that would cause, so they'll rename him "DJ".

I think they just went the wrong way with this. Instead of doing a Pre-Batman show, you do a Post-Batman show! After all, Dick Grayson, becomes a 20 something dude, gets all into fights with his "dad" and heads off on his own to start again in a new city with new villains and becomes a cop as an alter ego. That tv show already writes itself! Plus this way he's trained as a detective and knows how to fight. And you get a wide array of costumes to choose from.

All the Robin costumes:
Dick's Robin (pretty bad), Tim's First (awesome) and Current (still cool)

And all of the Nightwing costumes:
First (awful) Second (still bad) and Current (my personal choice)

Plus that way they could at least have Batman guest star in an episode for sweeps week, or at least have Alfred or one of the new Robin's show up.

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