Wednesday, January 03, 2007


So, comic books. When it comes to comics for kids, there's not really all that much on the go from the big publishers: Marvel, DC, Dark Horse, or Image... You get all the good stuff from your little indy companies. Like the word free Owly from Oni Press or Mouse Guard from whoever publishes mouse guard (If you care enough you can google it quit being lazy) or the epitome of children's comic books, Bone. Bone has won 11 Harvey Awards and 10 Eisner Awards. This is like a movie getting 11 golden globes and 10 oscars; you know it's gonna be worth checking out.

Now I've had plenty of opportunity to buy and read Bone before but for some reason I just never did. For starters, Fone Bone (and the other two Bones) just look goofy making it seem more childish then the story really is. But looking at the cover, I had no idea and passed it by. This was stupid of me. The characters run the gamut here from the goofy Bone or Red Dragon look, to the realistic Thorn and Barrelhaven residents, to the older caricature-like Grandma Rose and Briar to the just creepy, surely nightmare inducing rat creatures, the book changes style all over the place but somehow they all feel right together. For the large part, this is probably due to it being black and white.

But, if Black and White isn't your cup of tea, Jeff Smith has been going through his series and colouring it for it's release in trade paperbacks. I don't have these, i have the "one volume edition" which is what I suggest you all go out and buy right now, but if you have kids to buy it for, you might go for the pricier coloured editions. I think they're put out through Scholastic, so you know, that's nifty.

Anyway, it's a comic, and I've talked about how it looks but I don't read comics for the art, I read the for the story. And Bone shines! This is a fantasy story and really feels to me like what you would get if Tolken sat down to write Lord of the Rings for children. The 3 Bones are our hobbits but we never see the Shire (Boneville) and they eventually get caught up in world ending battles against ancient evils, but not before some scheming from Phoney Bone and the Great Cow Race. Seriously. You know what? Scratch the LOTR reference. This is Teddy Ruxpin but without the singing. And with deadly serious bad guys. Tweeg wouldn't last long here.

So, anyone who I've ever conned into reading a comic book will probably like this. And you can buy the B&W one volume edition for under $50 which is a deal and half. It's over 1300 pages! So buy one for yourself and another copy for anybody you know who has kids

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