Friday, October 13, 2006

Where's my TI3?

So, I got to not go to work today! Instead I went to a safety orientation and WHMIS training. Woot! That's not the most dry material in the god damned world! It turns out that Rebecca Hanson is also an apprentice at Dobblesteyn's now. I had a rediculous crush on her back in high school, and of course she looks just as good now after 2 kids... and a divorce. Ka-Ching!

So anyways after that ended I was all like, "Hey, I'm totally uptown, let's head over to Gamezilla annd see if they got in my copy of Twilight Imperium (3rd edition). This is one of those huge rediculous board games that has everything you could ever possibly want and a few other things thrown in. I pre-ordered it right as it went out of print, so I've been waiting patiently for it and went in to touch base, see if they were up and running again, or what kind of wait they were expecting. Turns out that it'll probably be in next week.

Man, we have this kick ass sale on Avalon Hill games! 2 for 1! So I bought 2 games today on a whim: Betrayal at House on the Hill has always been on my radar, as a pretty cool looking strategy game with that suspenceful twist (everyone is on the same team, except for one person who is secretly trying to lose the game without getting caught); and cause it was essentially free, I grabbed Monsters Menace America cause it just plain looks like fun! I get to be Godzilla and go stomp on Disneyland? Hook me up!

Man, this is what happens when I have money. I can't help it!

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