Monday, April 27, 2009

Quote of the day

So, at the Mart there is a little ticker in the breakroom. It has little info like accident free days, stock quotes, who's b-days are happening and an inspirational quote. The last time it was updated with a 90s classic: "Free your mind and the rest will follow"

En Vogue was in my head all day

Friday, April 24, 2009

Here we Remain

Dear The Internet. As far as comic books about zombies go, you can't do better than the Walking Dead. Go read it, cause it's awesome. It would make for a fantastic HBO series. Much like OZ, since somebody dies pretty much every issue. But, here they'd be dying cause of zombies instead of gang violence so it's better.
Man, it = hot outside today. I worked in the garden center trying to get it cleaned up. It is not very clean, but it might at least open tomorrow.
Tomorrow is also cheap prints and free cake at the photolab. Don't let me forget to bring my film in The Internet! Also, don't forget to remind me not to eat the cake, since the lab is pretty much saturated in chemicals that give you cancer when you ingest them.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Patio sets (and how I hate them)

Oh man Blog. Wal-Mart shoppers really ♥ their patio sets. Patio sets really ♥ being heavy. This why I don't ♥ patio sets.

Also, I spent like a good 3 minutes looking up the ascii code for heart. It's just ALT 3!!! That's super simple. It's easier than actually spelling heart for sure. It's not like the Interobang ‽ (ALT 8253) or the not-equal sign ≠ (ALT 8800). Those are 4 numbers long, in addition to turning on the numberpad section of my Lappy's keyboard. I use them but I don't expect others too. but the heart symbol? That's too easy to just let it sit there.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Too long (can you feel it?)

So, it's been forever since I wrote anything here that wasn't just, "hey look what I found on the internet". So, I've moved, got a cat (named Mellow cause she kinda is) and back when there was still a bit of snow I bought a bike. Pedal kind, not vroom vroom kind. Anyways, now it's fairly springish out, so i went for a little 30 min ride. Man, I = out of shape. But how could this be? My legs are like the only defined part of my body. There are muscles and stuff. But it turns out that walking muscles ≠ biking muscles. They're not even close. They used to be close, but then biking moved away, and neither of them have twitter, and walking doesn't have texting on his cell phone plan... and well, they haven't seen each other in a while. Sure, they'll get together and share a beer every few years when schedules collide, but they aren't really pals. So it was a little strained today when I surprised my legs with a bike ride. They'd forgotten the inside jokes, and even now they feel a little bit weird about the whole ordeal.