Thursday, June 05, 2008

From Hank

So yesterday I get off of work and walk out to the car to find something under the windshield wiper. I figured it was a flyer or something, then I saw that it was a little Walmart Photo envelope. So I assumed that it was some discount thingy that some poor sap had to go around and put on all the cars, in the rain no less. So I grab it and written on it is "please open and call". This is where the question marks started sprouting from my head. Geoff works in the photo lab so I figure he's left me a note or a prank or something. Or maybe one of the cute boys left me his number! So I open it up and inside is a little slip of paper saying:
I have the same car as you, same kind and color. I was wondering if you need any parts for it.

and then he left his number.
This is the weirdest thing that has ever been left on my car! I mean, think about it a little. This guy has the same car as me, but it can't be working if he is offering it as parts to me. So is he just wandering around town looking for '99 Saturns? But I don't even think it's that since he didn't have an envelope prepared, he had to go into the store and get the one from the photo center. So he earnestly believes that my working car out in the parking lot is worth his time to go inside and write this note. That is just bizzare...