Monday, November 26, 2007


A compelling article on just how close the US is to being a fascist regime. No less compelling considering I found it linked to after a webcomic about chupacabras

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Back on the hour

So, we're leaving Newfoundland. Most folk already know this, but Danielle got laid off from her work cause the owner is a jerkface, so there's no reason to stay in this insane town anymore! Glee! Sure, moving sucks and then looking for a job and an apartment sucks, and the timing means no money for christmas gifts but at least I'll be able to watch Heroes at 10 o'clock like God intended!

Monday, November 19, 2007

Watch this

Oh NOVA... I heart you so much! No, not the comic book Nova (even if the helmet is super sweet) I mean PBS NOVA. Cause they have things like
Intelligent Design on Trial

There is nobody alive who shouldn't watch this. Even if you followed the whole Dover thing in the news last year and read the big report Judge Jones wrote up still check it out cause I still liked it

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Math makes such pretty pictures

So if I follow this right, this is graph of how all the forces that me know interact on the parts of an atom at the same time? But it seems like they're talking about what it would be like if the quarks weren't combined into protons and what not. Or is that what it was when everything had come together...

Anyways, it looks cool, but I don't know how qualitative it is and it seems pretty far from a grand unified theory. But it's still better than string theory