So, for those who like to be in the know, this is how things are going down in operation: Get off the Island.
Dec 13 - Last day of work
Get winter tires
Loads of packing and selling off of worldly possessions
Clean the apartment
Dec 19 - Get on the midnight ferry back to Atlantic Standard Time
So I've got 6 days to pack and sell my junk and clean. Any of you Newfoundland folks need some bookshelves or a table or dressers?
Monday, December 10, 2007
Monday, December 03, 2007
Music recomendation of the day
Check out Brassmunk. They kind of sound like if Outkast dated Snoop Dogg a few years ago and is just getting over it now and wrote songs about it.
Monday, November 26, 2007
A compelling article on just how close the US is to being a fascist regime. No less compelling considering I found it linked to after a webcomic about chupacabras
A compelling article on just how close the US is to being a fascist regime. No less compelling considering I found it linked to after a webcomic about chupacabras
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Back on the hour
So, we're leaving Newfoundland. Most folk already know this, but Danielle got laid off from her work cause the owner is a jerkface, so there's no reason to stay in this insane town anymore! Glee! Sure, moving sucks and then looking for a job and an apartment sucks, and the timing means no money for christmas gifts but at least I'll be able to watch Heroes at 10 o'clock like God intended!
Monday, November 19, 2007
Watch this
Oh NOVA... I heart you so much! No, not the comic book Nova (even if the helmet is super sweet) I mean PBS NOVA. Cause they have things like
Intelligent Design on Trial
There is nobody alive who shouldn't watch this. Even if you followed the whole Dover thing in the news last year and read the big report Judge Jones wrote up still check it out cause I still liked it
Intelligent Design on Trial
There is nobody alive who shouldn't watch this. Even if you followed the whole Dover thing in the news last year and read the big report Judge Jones wrote up still check it out cause I still liked it
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Math makes such pretty pictures
So if I follow this right, this is graph of how all the forces that me know interact on the parts of an atom at the same time? But it seems like they're talking about what it would be like if the quarks weren't combined into protons and what not. Or is that what it was when everything had come together...
Anyways, it looks cool, but I don't know how qualitative it is and it seems pretty far from a grand unified theory. But it's still better than string theory
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
So while trying to find a download of the wrestling match of Jushin Lyger and Ultmio Dragon vs the Murder City Machine Guns from the UWA Hardcore vs Toryumon I came across about a million Japanese names and one of them reminded me of Cibo Matto, a band that had a song on the Jet Set Radio Future sound track. I used to play that game just to listen to the music, and would even just turn it on and not play just to listen to it, and had completely forgotten about it. But now I'm getting all the songs and I will be bouncing along way too happy for about a month of straight listening
Friday, October 26, 2007
The Trouble With Tribbles Cthulhu
So as any huge geek should know, H.P. Lovecraft wrote some good Mythology. Crazed Elder Gods from beyond the stars stuck half way between life and death in dreams beneath the Ocean aside, he created the Necronomicon. This fake book has been seen in so many places that a lot of people think that it's actually a real book. And now Neil Gaiman tells you why your copy is probably fake
I ♥ Internet
First right off the top, ASCII hearts = adorable. They should be right on the keyboard. And I found the perfect gift for my mom for x-mas without even trying, just stumbled upon it. Check it out (but don't tell her): Tea Hearts! They're cheap (CDN Dollar Superior, US Dollar Inferior) so I bought some to try and give out to other folks too, so try to forget about this post
A year
So, yesterday was me and Danielle's official anniversary. It's been researched by the finest message history Microsoft provides for free, so you know it's on the up and up. A year and a day ago I told Danielle that she should just stop whatever it was she was doing, and come to Fredericton to get back together with me. Sure it turned out the other way but it still seems like a good idea. We went out to a pizza place we hadn't been to yet and they put honey on our garlic fingers (yet another good idea) and they have a lounge for drinks that's like that one good spot with couches in the Social Club, but it's the whole bar! I didn't think there could be so many good ideas in a single day
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Friday, October 12, 2007
Hikaru Dorodango
You always find the neatest things on Neil Gaiman's blog. Like how when we were making mud pies, Japanese children where making perfectly beautiful spheres from the same stuff. I'm gonna try to make one on my days off
Saturday, October 06, 2007
Do it myself
So, I'm sure someone else out there is obsessed with Instructables. I first saw it when one of the webcomics gurus I read, posted a link on how to build a table with LEDs that played and had sequences for Daft Punk songs. It was pretty snazzy, I'll think about looking it up and posting the link later.
But yeah, some of the stuff here is just not safe to show to people like me. Things like RAILGUNS
But yeah, some of the stuff here is just not safe to show to people like me. Things like RAILGUNS
Friday, October 05, 2007
I love the contrast between the birds and the trees
So yesterday after driving Danielle to work, I decided that I needed a treat. It was definitely treat time, I'd been a good boy and everything. Plus I wanted a bottle of drink pop to have while trying to figure what the heck is going on in Sin And Punishment that I'd just downloaded on my wii. On a side note did you know that Newfies actually say that they want a can of drink? It sends a shiver up my spine...
So on the way home there is a hybrid convenience store / tanning salon called Miles' Groceteria and I pulled in to get myself abottle of drink pop. So, if you've read any of this blog I'm pretty sure there's post about how much I love Fanta cream soda. It's just the perfect cream soda. So I went to the cooler reached in and grabbed one, looked around a bit more, thought about grabbing a Jones cream soda too, but I already had a Fanta, so I got a blue bubblegum one, wandered around the store a bit more, saw that humpty dumpty chips where on 2 for $2 so I browsed them for a bit to make up my mind. I got the Old dutch BBQ (good) and the Ariba zesty taco (not taco-y enough) and took them up to the counter with my Fanta cream soda and blue bubblegum soda. This was definitely treat time.
So I set them all on the counter and waited while the woman was talking to someone else on the phone. I picked up one of the vaguely european chocolate bars from the impulse section and plopped it down with my 2 bags of chips, my Jones soda, and my anticipated Fanta CS.
Once I paid, all was bagged and I carried it out the car where I ate my vaguely european chocolate bar in speeds usually reserved for goats, buckled up and drove home. Then I walked into the house, turned on the tv, booted up the wii, grabbed my Wavebird gamecube controller and reached into the bag to get my Fanta.
I unscrewed the top and took and took a deep swallow of C Plus...
I honestly didn't think I'd go senile this soon
So on the way home there is a hybrid convenience store / tanning salon called Miles' Groceteria and I pulled in to get myself a
So I set them all on the counter and waited while the woman was talking to someone else on the phone. I picked up one of the vaguely european chocolate bars from the impulse section and plopped it down with my 2 bags of chips, my Jones soda, and my anticipated Fanta CS.
Once I paid, all was bagged and I carried it out the car where I ate my vaguely european chocolate bar in speeds usually reserved for goats, buckled up and drove home. Then I walked into the house, turned on the tv, booted up the wii, grabbed my Wavebird gamecube controller and reached into the bag to get my Fanta.
I unscrewed the top and took and took a deep swallow of C Plus...
I honestly didn't think I'd go senile this soon
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Sunday, September 23, 2007
a long game of darts
So, while sweeping the parking lot the other day, I found a whole lot of stuff.
Well, I always find a lot of stuff but it's always just cigarette butts and the plastic off of cigarette packages. On a side note, everyone in the whole damn place here smokes like a chimney. It's gross. Even if I wanted to cheat on Danielle (which I don't hun, you do still read this right?) I can't cause all the girls here are gross smokers and the accent makes them sound retarded. which is unappealing. Um, so yeah, garbage
I found two dart flights, but no darts, so somebody somewhere is having an odd game of darts where they either just throw one over and over again or they are all awesome ninja / circus knife thrower.
Plus I found a single playing card, the two of clubs. It's super amuses me, because I immediate accused the litter bug of murder! It's from one of the Poirot short stories where there was a bridge game and stuff... Mostly it was just an excuse to go around the parking lot muttering about the little grey cells. Poirot is totally my favorite fictional detective. That's INCLUDING Batman! Holmes doesn't even come close. I only like Holmes when he's being played by Data. And that's just cause I like Data, and the thought of nested characters amuses me
Well, I always find a lot of stuff but it's always just cigarette butts and the plastic off of cigarette packages. On a side note, everyone in the whole damn place here smokes like a chimney. It's gross. Even if I wanted to cheat on Danielle (which I don't hun, you do still read this right?) I can't cause all the girls here are gross smokers and the accent makes them sound retarded. which is unappealing. Um, so yeah, garbage
I found two dart flights, but no darts, so somebody somewhere is having an odd game of darts where they either just throw one over and over again or they are all awesome ninja / circus knife thrower.
Plus I found a single playing card, the two of clubs. It's super amuses me, because I immediate accused the litter bug of murder! It's from one of the Poirot short stories where there was a bridge game and stuff... Mostly it was just an excuse to go around the parking lot muttering about the little grey cells. Poirot is totally my favorite fictional detective. That's INCLUDING Batman! Holmes doesn't even come close. I only like Holmes when he's being played by Data. And that's just cause I like Data, and the thought of nested characters amuses me

Friday, September 21, 2007
Saturday, September 15, 2007
So, you know when you're in a hurry and a bad mood and the things that the cashiers are told to do but just annoy the crap out of you take too long so you say something to try and make them feel like garbage? Like during Christmas time and they say merry christmas and you say I'm Jewish or something like that?
Well that happens all the time to one of the guys I work with but HE DOESN'T GET IT!!!
Okay, so someone comes up to the cash and we have to try and upsell them one product. I try to do it as I'm ringing them in cause almost nobody will take it. Anyways, somebody comes up to the cash and he stutters his way through asking if they want some pop to go with that. And the snarky response is "I'm diabetic". So he should feel like a tool right? No. He says they should get diet pop cause it doesn't have sugar! It goes right over his head, and it's half embarrassing to watch. Especially if they get even more mad and complain that aspartame is even worse for you, cause then he suggests sprite zero cause he hasn't fully read the label.
Well that happens all the time to one of the guys I work with but HE DOESN'T GET IT!!!
Okay, so someone comes up to the cash and we have to try and upsell them one product. I try to do it as I'm ringing them in cause almost nobody will take it. Anyways, somebody comes up to the cash and he stutters his way through asking if they want some pop to go with that. And the snarky response is "I'm diabetic". So he should feel like a tool right? No. He says they should get diet pop cause it doesn't have sugar! It goes right over his head, and it's half embarrassing to watch. Especially if they get even more mad and complain that aspartame is even worse for you, cause then he suggests sprite zero cause he hasn't fully read the label.
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Spam is gay for me
So, I went and deleted my Spam today. Usually I just let it self delete but after reading yesterday's Go journal I thought I'd give it a look. A bunch of the "we're trying to sell you penis pills" ones had the subject of "my boyfriend's penis keeps slipping out" or the like, and almost all of them had Male names. I'm not sure if that's the kind of marketing they meant or if they know that nobody reads spam so they might as well keep using their generic name maker stuff.
Does anybody read Spam? I would have thought that it would have died out by now since it can't possibly work... But I guess it must work. Or it's so cheap to do that they might as well keep doing it in the desperate hopes that I'm worried about popping out of my boyfriend
Does anybody read Spam? I would have thought that it would have died out by now since it can't possibly work... But I guess it must work. Or it's so cheap to do that they might as well keep doing it in the desperate hopes that I'm worried about popping out of my boyfriend
Friday, September 07, 2007
Dashing and daring, courageous and caring
So I went to Walmart and picket up the first season of Heroes. While there Danielle picked up a boxed set and handed it to me. Gummi Bears! Volume 1, holy crap it has the first 3 seasons? And it's only $28? Okay it's coming home too!
Friday, August 24, 2007
The Great Divide
So the new Hanson song is actually pretty good even if Taylor isn't as cute as he used to be.
Saturday, August 18, 2007
She put a little money into travel and it's so slow, so slow
Holy crap. I never would have thought I could miss Fredericton road construction, but Corner Brook has me longing for the days when only half the main streets are torn up and slow. There are detours all over the city and the fact that it already has more one way streets than the central time zone helps not at all. It's all rather disgusting really.
So my parents were up last week and that was snazzy. Went up to Gross Morne national park and walked a ways up the table top mountains. Saw a picture plant and a moose, so I got the full Newfie experience.
I just worked all night so instead of going to bed I'm gonna watch the Third Hokage battle the ghosts of the First and Second, while Sasuke, Naruto and Sakura try to catch Gaara... keeping in mind that I've already read what's gonna happen in Shonen Jump. Ah, sometimes it's tough to be a geek
So my parents were up last week and that was snazzy. Went up to Gross Morne national park and walked a ways up the table top mountains. Saw a picture plant and a moose, so I got the full Newfie experience.
I just worked all night so instead of going to bed I'm gonna watch the Third Hokage battle the ghosts of the First and Second, while Sasuke, Naruto and Sakura try to catch Gaara... keeping in mind that I've already read what's gonna happen in Shonen Jump. Ah, sometimes it's tough to be a geek
Saturday, July 28, 2007
So I looked at the tube at work tonight and found the website! It is SO ABSURD!!!
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Someday you will die somehow and someething's gonna steal your carbon
Now Danielle is in the death business so I know a fair bit about the odd things you can do with yourself once you're dead. You know, besides go to Denver. One thing you can do is get turned into diamonds! See, they cremate you, then Superman presses you really hard between his hands and voila! But did you know that they can do this with any dead guy? Like, Beethoven
Top Secret Illegal
So does anyone remember that episode of Clone High that has Abe running for president and his campaign is sponsored by Xtreme Blue the energy drink in a tube? Well someone thought that was a good idea and made it a real product!
At the store it just showed up one day. It's called Top Secret. And there's another version of it called Top Secret Illegal. I think it really is top secret cause I can't find anything about it on the interweb, and I'm a google wizard. Either way I'm embarrassed to admit that I like the regular style Top Secret but I'm not big on the illegal kind. Don't wanna get in trouble with the law
At the store it just showed up one day. It's called Top Secret. And there's another version of it called Top Secret Illegal. I think it really is top secret cause I can't find anything about it on the interweb, and I'm a google wizard. Either way I'm embarrassed to admit that I like the regular style Top Secret but I'm not big on the illegal kind. Don't wanna get in trouble with the law
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Monday, July 09, 2007
Erases like magic
So when I first saw the commercials for Mr Clean's Magic Eraser I was a non-believer. An Acleanist if you will. I mean, the things they show it doing are obviously dramatizations to try and sell it. But the fact that they had to call it magic to explain how it works is so true. These things defy the laws of physics. I'm fairly sure they're made from collapsed black holes woven together by time machines and sprinkled with unicorn dandruff.
I had one of those coffee pencils in one of my work shirts and forgot about it and then it got into the dryer. It was real horror show. Might as well of just thrown a piece of charcoal in there. But the magic eraser is getting it off, so I highly recommend it
I had one of those coffee pencils in one of my work shirts and forgot about it and then it got into the dryer. It was real horror show. Might as well of just thrown a piece of charcoal in there. But the magic eraser is getting it off, so I highly recommend it
Saturday, July 07, 2007
An Inconvenient Concert
So I was watching Live Earth this morning, and I have to say that I actually enjoyed the Rhiana concert. When it first started and they only had the one venue in Australia going I was super disappointed with it all cause they stopped for the set breaks and what not, but once some more places got going I just changed the channel and it = all good. I don't know if it'll get me to turn the light out and unplug my tv, but it's a good show
My Lucky Girlfriend
So before anybody groans at that, she's not lucky cause she's my girlfriend. Or at least, that's not what I was talking about. But come to think of it, I am quite the catch. But yeah, basically Danielle has mad skillz. Or at least one mad skillz. Anywhere that there's one of those "drop a coin into water, land it on the dealy dealy, win a prize" things, she can do it. She got a free sundae at Jungle Jim's while we were waiting to pay the bill but we were already stuffed full of desert so we passed (even if it killed me to pass up delicious winnings) and today while waiting for an account to get set up at a rental store, she quartered our way into a free rental, so we basically got Mario Party 8 free for a week. Seriously, it's the greatest talent ever!
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
Sunday, July 01, 2007
A spy game!
This may look like an innocent picture of an innocent Newfoundland brook on an innocent day... BUT IT ISN'T!!!! It hides SECRETS! Are they evil or good? There's only one way to find out!!! And since I basically gave all you kids the means to get to the secret, I used a passphrase. A passphrase so obvious that it would be impossible to guess!
EDIT - holy fricken crap! It is impossible to find a free file hosting service that doesn't alter your images! This is the only one I could find that only changed the name but still worked, even if I can't post it directly anymore, so it's less fun. But I spent quite literally hours on this post so it's staying and by god you'll all have fun!
This may look like an innocent picture of an innocent Newfoundland brook on an innocent day... BUT IT ISN'T!!!! It hides SECRETS! Are they evil or good? There's only one way to find out!!! And since I basically gave all you kids the means to get to the secret, I used a passphrase. A passphrase so obvious that it would be impossible to guess!
EDIT - holy fricken crap! It is impossible to find a free file hosting service that doesn't alter your images! This is the only one I could find that only changed the name but still worked, even if I can't post it directly anymore, so it's less fun. But I spent quite literally hours on this post so it's staying and by god you'll all have fun!
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Chris Benoit and family found dead
Authorities believe wrestler Benoit killed wife, son then himself
Authorities believe a professional wrestler, his wife and son ‑ found dead in their central Fayette County home Monday afternoon ‑ died in a murder-suicide.
District Attorney Scott Ballard said Monday night that he felt confident that Chris Benoit killed his wife Nancy, their 7-year-old son and then himself.
Ballard declined to release the cause of death, but said that earlier news reports that the Benoits died of gunshots were false. The crime lab is in the process of confirming the cause of death, but Ballard said there was enough evidence on scene to make him confident that the Benoits were not killed by another person.
Ballard said sheriff's deputies were called to the Benoit home around 2:30 p.m. after another wrestler called the sheriff's department asking them to check on the family because Benoit had failed to show up for an event in another state. When deputies got to the Benoit home off Quarters Road, they smelled the odor of decaying bodies, Ballard said.
The family's bodies were found inside the home, Ballard confirmed.
"Every indication is that this is a murder-suicide," Ballard said, adding that additional investigation still has to take place before a final determination can be made.
Ballard said when he heard that a young child was killed, it "just tore my guts out."
Benoit made his WWE debut in January 2000, following a stint in ECW and WCW and he was at one time world heavyweight champion, world tag team champion and intercontinental champion.
Authorities believe a professional wrestler, his wife and son ‑ found dead in their central Fayette County home Monday afternoon ‑ died in a murder-suicide.
District Attorney Scott Ballard said Monday night that he felt confident that Chris Benoit killed his wife Nancy, their 7-year-old son and then himself.
Ballard declined to release the cause of death, but said that earlier news reports that the Benoits died of gunshots were false. The crime lab is in the process of confirming the cause of death, but Ballard said there was enough evidence on scene to make him confident that the Benoits were not killed by another person.
Ballard said sheriff's deputies were called to the Benoit home around 2:30 p.m. after another wrestler called the sheriff's department asking them to check on the family because Benoit had failed to show up for an event in another state. When deputies got to the Benoit home off Quarters Road, they smelled the odor of decaying bodies, Ballard said.
The family's bodies were found inside the home, Ballard confirmed.
"Every indication is that this is a murder-suicide," Ballard said, adding that additional investigation still has to take place before a final determination can be made.
Ballard said when he heard that a young child was killed, it "just tore my guts out."
Benoit made his WWE debut in January 2000, following a stint in ECW and WCW and he was at one time world heavyweight champion, world tag team champion and intercontinental champion.
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Take that kitten!
What's this? Aerosmith performing their classic hit Dream On?
Why this must be from some parallel universe where Danielle is always wrong
Why this must be from some parallel universe where Danielle is always wrong
Monday, June 11, 2007
Manhunt 2
So, does anyone out there remember Manhunt? The most violent thing to show up on the PS2? You play a serial killer going out and stalking and brutally (and quite graphically) slaughtering your victims. Well the new one is coming out on the Wii. Complete with murder simulating motion controls! I don't think I want to play it but I need to try it just to see what it's like. I mean, it's supposed to be like Splinter Cell except you're supposed to kill everybody
Thursday, June 07, 2007
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
Everyone should have a Transistor Sound and Lighting Co.
So, today was god damned gorgeous here. Mid-twenties weather, bright sunny sky and nobody on my favorite bench in the park in front of the little waterfall. So I sat down with a peanut butter kit kat, a bottle of grape flavoured water and read while listening to Transistor. Those who know the band know that this is my band. They came out with a CD, kind of fell apart with no body else even hearing of them. It really feels like it made just for me, and I love that just as much as I love the music. It's my personal sound track whenever I listen to it. And while it's a Wednesday which normally mean I'd be reading about Yorrick, Megan and Tim but I've found that Andy, Dag and Claire work just as well
Sunday, June 03, 2007
We go straight when there's nothing in the way
So me and Danielle checked out the park here today. There's a swans and waterfalls and all kinds of awesome! There's even a tunnel under the highway with (get this) Christian Graffiti! Someone spray painted a psalm in there which is exactly what Jesus would do.
I've got a bunch of the new job under my belt and it's decent. I'm finally gonna get paid on thursday so I might buy some cool stuff
I've got a bunch of the new job under my belt and it's decent. I'm finally gonna get paid on thursday so I might buy some cool stuff
Monday, May 14, 2007
Jareth comes to town
So birthdays are fun. They are funner when referred to as b-days cause it's hip to say it that way. And to be square. But the hippest thing is getting presents and I did that. My new boss gave me 6 beer from the store so this is now a cool place to work.
And I got some Ex Machina and other books from my parents. AND I got Super Paper Mario on the Wii and it is all kinds of platforming goodness so far.
And my brother got me David Bowie's donkey balls! Well, he got me a Jareth the Goblin King figure from Labyrinth which is really the same thing
And I got some Ex Machina and other books from my parents. AND I got Super Paper Mario on the Wii and it is all kinds of platforming goodness so far.
And my brother got me David Bowie's donkey balls! Well, he got me a Jareth the Goblin King figure from Labyrinth which is really the same thing
Working Stiff
So, I got a job. Turns out the Ultramar here was hiring, and I've done that before and when I went down the guy was all like, "I'd have to be an idiot not to hire you, can you start tonight?" So I did, and now I've got a week under my belt. It's fairly easy and unless you commit fraud you're probably not gonna get fired. Oh, guess what two of my former co-workers did!?! Yup, good old fraud... I guess stealing credit cards is tougher than the tv news says it is. So we have 5 people working at the store now and 1 of them is SOOOO dumb. Like, really dumb. When adding up the till on a calculator and he gets the number 12.8 he doesn't get that that is twelve dollars and eighty cents. He thinks it's twelve dollars and eight cents. And he's been told the difference a few times already.
But on the plus side it means I'm worshiped as a god there now
But on the plus side it means I'm worshiped as a god there now
Sunday, May 06, 2007
HTML blues
Man, it took like 10 minutes for me to find out the back ground colour of my blog so I could make the text the same... Templates are not easy to sift through
My Spidey Sense is tingling
So me and Dan went to see Spider-man 3 today. It was the combination of horrible theater experience and a horrible movie.
Seriously, I think that this is the first movie ever shown at this theater cause they had no idea what was going on. We got there a little late and the previews were playing, but this is the first time I've seen that meant the theatre was pitch dark. We had to wait for flashes of lightening in the Harry Potter preview just to see where seats were let alone if they were empty. Then when we found seats the floor was covered in popcorn. I really do mean covered, there was 2 full bags in our row thrown all over, they didn't clean the place between showings. Then people who have never been in public before sat in front of us, talking all the way through and sitting straight up with their giant fros. Who sits straight up in a movie theater? YOU SLOUCH! It's common courtesy! And one of them left to purchase concessions, came back 15 minutes later and needed to be caught up on everything. Loudly. Boo! And then with 5 minutes left in the movie, they brought the house lights up! What the fricken heck? You do that in the credits, not the movie! GRRR.
And then there's the movie. I'm gone blank the text out in case anybody reads this but hasn't seen it yet, but otherwise just highlight it to read.
So, I recommend waiting for rental, or stealing it from the interweb. Don't pay $10 for it, or $8.25 like I did to see it in a really crappy theater
Seriously, I think that this is the first movie ever shown at this theater cause they had no idea what was going on. We got there a little late and the previews were playing, but this is the first time I've seen that meant the theatre was pitch dark. We had to wait for flashes of lightening in the Harry Potter preview just to see where seats were let alone if they were empty. Then when we found seats the floor was covered in popcorn. I really do mean covered, there was 2 full bags in our row thrown all over, they didn't clean the place between showings. Then people who have never been in public before sat in front of us, talking all the way through and sitting straight up with their giant fros. Who sits straight up in a movie theater? YOU SLOUCH! It's common courtesy! And one of them left to purchase concessions, came back 15 minutes later and needed to be caught up on everything. Loudly. Boo! And then with 5 minutes left in the movie, they brought the house lights up! What the fricken heck? You do that in the credits, not the movie! GRRR.
And then there's the movie. I'm gone blank the text out in case anybody reads this but hasn't seen it yet, but otherwise just highlight it to read.
WHY WHY WHY??? Why did this have to be such a bad cheesy movie? Remember Superman 3? Yes it's Richard Pryor cheesy. Chester Cheetah chessy. It's... it's just really cheesy ok. That stupid Saturday Night Fever getting sequence, the Jazz bar crap, even JJ was painful in this one. And the fight scenes were just plain lazy. "hmm, we could take the time to make this look really good and convincing, but that would cost a lot of money, just make it go really really fast so people can't tell the difference." If you can tell me what happened during the open Goblin fight then you deserve a medal. And Harry's butler, where'd they drag this guy from? I've seen some bad acting in my day, but I think they pulled this guy of a used car lot commercial. And none of that scene made any sense! Hey Harry, I know that you and your dad were the Green Goblin, and I totally saw him when he died and his wounds came from his glider, which totally means that he killed himself by accident... and I'm just telling you this now cause it's convenient for the plot, so don't think about how stupid this is, especially sine you get killed by your glider later in the script yet it clearly isn't by your own hand. And what was up with that? He can control his glider with precision accuracy and remote control in the first fight but he can't in the last fight so he jumps in front of it? And not jump in front of it and catch it or knock in out of the way, but he lets it stab him? Bah? Now there were some good parts, I mean the Sandman was great. That Wings guy got buff, and he did a great job here. So did |
So, I recommend waiting for rental, or stealing it from the interweb. Don't pay $10 for it, or $8.25 like I did to see it in a really crappy theater
Saturday, May 05, 2007
Friday, May 04, 2007
Thursday, May 03, 2007
Kirk Cameron vs Ration
So, next Wednesday on ABC Kirk Cameron and his cult leader Ray Comfort will be in a Nightline debate trying the argue the existence of God against The Rational Response Squad who do this sort of thing all the time. It should be freakin hilarious!!!
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
Glee! Neil deGrasse Tyson was on the Colbert Report today! This guy is great! He was on talking about the new planet, Gliese 581C, but it turns out that beyond just the origins special on PBS he's got a new NOVA show coming out. So now I need to learn which channel is PBS. I guess I just flip til I see sesame street right?
Monday, April 30, 2007
The glories of technology
So, I picked an S-video cable to connect my lappy to the tv so I can watch movies and whatnot up there. BUT then I figured out that I don't have to just choose which screen I'm watching on, I can use both! There's a little check box in the display properties asking if I want to use the second monitor as an extension of my desktop. So of course I said yes and now, if I drag the mouse off the left edge of the Lappy screen, it shows up on the tv! I know this old hat to some people out there but it is pure magic to me. So I can watch downloaded anime and blog at the same time! It's no flying car, but the future is still pretty cool
Friday, April 27, 2007
People sell the craziest things
So, check this out. VOLTRON SHOES! and not like some crappy tennis shoe with a sticker on it, these are some fancy Reeboks. I would totally wear the yellow and blue set.
Also, check out I think this has to be a parody site right? Like no real Christian is going to have a begging jesus statue, even though I think it kicks ass.
Also, check out I think this has to be a parody site right? Like no real Christian is going to have a begging jesus statue, even though I think it kicks ass.
Thursday, April 26, 2007
For every delicious buritto there's a horrible crap
So, the inevitable happened. Fox canceled Drive. I should be more upset and surprised, but this is FOX we're talking about. They've canceled so many awesome shows, heck they canceled Family Guy twice already, but I thought it'd get more than 3 episodes. After all, they must have had car companies throwing money at them for product placement, so they could have given it a bit more time, then do a big marathon some day like what was done with LOST to let people who heard about through word of mouth to catch up. Stupid Fox...
But yay Astronomers! Now we've got a place to go! It's got a 13 day year, it's a little bigger than earth and it's only 20 light years away. I'm gonna start packing my bags right now
But yay Astronomers! Now we've got a place to go! It's got a 13 day year, it's a little bigger than earth and it's only 20 light years away. I'm gonna start packing my bags right now
Monday, April 23, 2007
There's life in Seki
So, as many of you know I am intrigued by boobies the game of Go. And since I live in North America I figured I'd go ahead and learn the AGA rule set, but it took me a while to figure out if a passing stone is considered a prisoner (it is) and then a little longer to realize that this doesn't matter at all since they score using area counting and prisoners don't count.
But, all of that is really just to say where I was going when I stumbled onto some ancient Go lore, specifically, the 4 day long game where ghosts told one player 3 moves that led him to victory, and right after the game, the other other player vomited blood on the board and died two months later. 3000 year old games have some cool history
But, all of that is really just to say where I was going when I stumbled onto some ancient Go lore, specifically, the 4 day long game where ghosts told one player 3 moves that led him to victory, and right after the game, the other other player vomited blood on the board and died two months later. 3000 year old games have some cool history
Friday, April 20, 2007
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Did I not make a post about Gander? Me and Danielle went there for Easter cause her parents live there and man oh man, let me tell you Newfies know how to make chowder! I could probably eat it 'til I died from too much awesomeness.
And Gander is just like Ormoncto which makes me think that military bases all have that same town springing up next to them
And Gander is just like Ormoncto which makes me think that military bases all have that same town springing up next to them
Been a while...
So, Kurt Vonnegut passed away... It shook me up a bit cause he's someone that I always wanted to meet. Like, of his generation, the people who went through the War and were alive before TV, he was probably the only person I'd be able to relate to and to be able to just hang out and talk with. But he won't really be gone to me until I read all his books, so I'll keep working at that.
My birthday is coming up and i just sent a massive list of wants to my mom. This way I really have no idea what I'm gonna get, but I know that what I do get will rock. Also, it turns out that I want a lot of stuff. Who knew?
Oh and I got a plant from the Dominion, which is the super store for newfies. His name is Jim and while not a kitten, he'll do for the short term
My birthday is coming up and i just sent a massive list of wants to my mom. This way I really have no idea what I'm gonna get, but I know that what I do get will rock. Also, it turns out that I want a lot of stuff. Who knew?
Oh and I got a plant from the Dominion, which is the super store for newfies. His name is Jim and while not a kitten, he'll do for the short term
Thursday, April 05, 2007
A fateless destiny
So tonight while talking with Danielle something got said (I can't remember what, and it's not that pertinent to the narrative) and Daneille said something like, "Don't say that, cause then it's out in the universe and it'll happen now", and I laughed at her for being silly. Then that sort of turned into a talk about superstition and fate and how we disagree on these things, she believes in them but I don't. Anyway, this isn't really a post on my distaste of religion or similar things, but more that I couldn't quite get across how being an atheist makes the world more beautiful for understanding how it was shaped, or how knowing that my sense of right and wrong come from ancient ancestors huddling together for security don't make them more important to me, or (more on topic to what we were discussing) not thinking that things happen for a reason makes every choice more fulfilling. I've tried to force some Richard Dawkins on her, cause he's better at explaining these things but it hasn't happened yet.
And yes I know that Danielle is gonna read this, but it's on my mind so I'm writing it anyway.
And yes I know that Danielle is gonna read this, but it's on my mind so I'm writing it anyway.
Monday, April 02, 2007
Better than Mama!!!
So, Sunday while me and Danielle were out and about looking for an elliptical trainer (which is it's own story in a frustrating Walmart employee tracking down kinda way) and when we didn't pick one up we headed over to the electronics department to browse. There I found Batman Beyond season 3 and Justice League Unlimited season 2 both for $25. Now I don't have BB season 2 or JLU season 1 cause I could ever find them for less than 50 each. So I was all iffy about which one to get. Then I was really pondering both.
But if I was gonna spend $50 than I might as well just buy cooking mama for the wii
Seriously, the first thing you'll notice is just how bad Mama's accent is. Kim Jong Il's puppet has nothing on Mama. Then you'll notice that it's a pretty fun game. Some parts are easy, some parts need a lot of practice to get right. I'm talking about hte frying pan part. It doesn't tell you what will cook fastest so you need to keep trial and erring til you figure it out.
But it has a 2 player cook off, so I can beat Danielle at making cream puffs and perogies! Which is the best part really
But if I was gonna spend $50 than I might as well just buy cooking mama for the wii
Seriously, the first thing you'll notice is just how bad Mama's accent is. Kim Jong Il's puppet has nothing on Mama. Then you'll notice that it's a pretty fun game. Some parts are easy, some parts need a lot of practice to get right. I'm talking about hte frying pan part. It doesn't tell you what will cook fastest so you need to keep trial and erring til you figure it out.
But it has a 2 player cook off, so I can beat Danielle at making cream puffs and perogies! Which is the best part really
Friday, March 30, 2007
Thursday, March 29, 2007
So, I was watching Spike the other day when the very first Star Trek DS9 came on. And it made me realize that I hadnt really seen many of those, but I liked the ones I saw, so I went looking for some torrents and now I'm watching some of the first season stuff. It benefits from being a spin off of TNG cause it's like it didn't need that start up period to get it's feet. Also, Heroes is amazing, but it takes forever to come out! I'm gonna blame Jeff Loeb cause he was always late when he was writing Superman / Batman... Sure he doesn't actually write any episodes but I think it works to blame him. So there are a few Wii games on the horrizon that I am looking forward too. Well, there's two out right now that look fun, Godfather and Cooking Mama, and then Super Paper Mario is coming out! That looks quite grand, but it might be a little simple in the long run.
But somehow I have to get a copy of Puzzle Quest for Danielle's DS... Cause damn! I played the demo (and so should you all) And it only let me play for a little while but it was SO GROOD! Good and great. great and good. I mean, it's a bejewelled RPG! It kicks so much ass! Go play it!
But somehow I have to get a copy of Puzzle Quest for Danielle's DS... Cause damn! I played the demo (and so should you all) And it only let me play for a little while but it was SO GROOD! Good and great. great and good. I mean, it's a bejewelled RPG! It kicks so much ass! Go play it!
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Saturday, March 10, 2007
Stay away from Eclipso
So, it turns out that Marble Mountain is like, a 10 minute drive away. Me and Danielle went skiing today. It was so pretty out! For one thing, it didn't snow at all, and it was only -3 and super sunny out. The ski hill is insanely huge! It's got all these crazy runs and jumps and stuff that we didn't go near, but we could see from the comfort of the lodge. The lifts seemed to go forever, and the runs just kept going too. The first two runs we did the bunny hill cause it was a while since either of us skied, but the first real run we did I trying to pick out easy or medium hills. Then Danielle went by me and it turns out that she doesn't read. So she went down a black diamond hill and it was rough going. I was okay for about half of it, then I missed an edge and ended up heading straight down the hill with no chance of stopping and once it flattened out I wiped out really good. I even dropped the camera, but found it cause it was next to my hat. But after that we kept to easier hills and had a grand time.

Then there's us tuckered and eating poutine

Then there's us tuckered and eating poutine
Thursday, March 08, 2007
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
Warning!! Warning!!
Hey, anyone remember a few years ago when I got hooked on a free computer game called Warning Forever? Well I remember it now and I'm hooked all over again!

That giant thing in the center is Tetra Force Striker Hell, and that little thing over on the right side getting shot at with lazers is me. Awesome

That giant thing in the center is Tetra Force Striker Hell, and that little thing over on the right side getting shot at with lazers is me. Awesome
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
It's tricky
So, it's still snowing here. I don't know how it keeps it up, it must get tired eventually. But if I get out of th car and enter a building for any length of time (like returning movies) I have to clean it off when I get back to it. My car brush is getting more use since I've been here then it got the whole rest of the winter in Freddy. It's a little insane. I'm starting to learn the main roads here, but there are no lane markers here (I guess they get scraped off by the plows) and they haven't figured out that they could put up signs over head showing which lane is for turning, or if there even are two lanes at any given time.
I bought the new SSX game for the Wii with a christmas gift card from Liz. It's quite difficult but also quite awesome. tipping the nunchuck to carve and grab, flicking the remote to do backflips and draw ubertricks... I'm gonna end up putting a lot of time into that game. I wish the gameplay wasn't as open. You have to snowboard down to the start of the races and stuff and search the mountain for new ubertricks, but it's fairly fun, and will probably get better the more I play
I bought the new SSX game for the Wii with a christmas gift card from Liz. It's quite difficult but also quite awesome. tipping the nunchuck to carve and grab, flicking the remote to do backflips and draw ubertricks... I'm gonna end up putting a lot of time into that game. I wish the gameplay wasn't as open. You have to snowboard down to the start of the races and stuff and search the mountain for new ubertricks, but it's fairly fun, and will probably get better the more I play
Friday, March 02, 2007
Who Watches The Movies?
So, everybody should go and see 300. On the one hand, it just looks like it's gonna be all over the top and flashy battles and all that Frank Miller stuff you saw in Sin City. BUT the real reason to go see 300 is that the same director is making WATCHMEN!!! So if 300 does well, that gives Watchmen a bigger budget. And really who doesn't want to see how they pull off Dr Manhattan or Rorschach?
Thursday, March 01, 2007
Urge Splurge
Hey kids.
I finally got Danielle's wireless up and running today which frees up a lot of room, since her compy can go back into the second room. Also, I bought a tv, cause I'm just like that.

It's an LCD so it can handle a bunch of different resolutions and whatnot. Dan's DVD player only outputs 480i like normal tv :( but the tv can handle 720p or 1080i for high stuff, and 480p for the Wii
I finally got Danielle's wireless up and running today which frees up a lot of room, since her compy can go back into the second room. Also, I bought a tv, cause I'm just like that.
It's an LCD so it can handle a bunch of different resolutions and whatnot. Dan's DVD player only outputs 480i like normal tv :( but the tv can handle 720p or 1080i for high stuff, and 480p for the Wii
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
My God, It's full of stars mountains
So, I'm in Newfoundland now. The place is nothing but hills. And then once you get through the hills, it's mountains. So, it also turns out that I am fricken super stud when it comes to winter driving. Mountains covered in snow can't stop me. Then just make me clean 6 inches of snow off the car every day
Then there's the house today which is sunny, wicked!
Then me trying to show off the mountains all around us. It doesn't really come off that well, but it ain't bad

Then there's the house today which is sunny, wicked!
Then me trying to show off the mountains all around us. It doesn't really come off that well, but it ain't bad
Friday, February 16, 2007
They did that on the Simpsons
So, since it's 6:30 am I'm awake as usual, this time watching south park episodes. I felt like gathering up the last of my garbage and taking it outside. Then I noticed what the plow did.
They plowed the entirety of George st into a big long pile that completely blocks in my driveway, and every driveway on my side of the road as far as the eye can see. Now sure, I'm a lazy bum who doesn't work or need to drive anywhere, but come on, somebody must be inconvenienced by that!!!
They plowed the entirety of George st into a big long pile that completely blocks in my driveway, and every driveway on my side of the road as far as the eye can see. Now sure, I'm a lazy bum who doesn't work or need to drive anywhere, but come on, somebody must be inconvenienced by that!!!
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Toast of the future!!!!
That just looks pretty snazzy eh? This website shows how it works and such. It makes me want it, mostly cause it looks quicker than normal toasting
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
I've got water and I've got holes
So, I'm sitting here listening to Wolfparade and watching Zeta Gundam (subtitled so it's easier than it sounds) and it is pretty good times let me tell you! The worst part about living here in the future is that we don't have Mechs or space colonies yet. You're trying to tell me that I can wireless internet but not a flying car? This isn't the future I signed up for...
The apt is getting pretty barren, even if it's still dirty. Depending on just how lazy I am, I'll be out of here before the week is done, and then visits to everybody, then off to the rock.
The worst part of packing up all my stuff to move, is that I'm sitting here with no book to read. It was an amateur mistake, but I made it anyway
The apt is getting pretty barren, even if it's still dirty. Depending on just how lazy I am, I'll be out of here before the week is done, and then visits to everybody, then off to the rock.
The worst part of packing up all my stuff to move, is that I'm sitting here with no book to read. It was an amateur mistake, but I made it anyway
Thursday, February 08, 2007
Music you might like
Hey kids. So I've been listening to the Radio 3 podcast, and if you haven't been for whatever lazy excuse you've come up for yourself, well shame shame double shame. Anyways, since I figure most of you don't, you should check out The Violent Archers. You can download "First the wheel" there, even though "Co-ordinates" is the song I first feel in love with from them. Possibly cause Great Aunt Ida (who sings pretty enough for a little crush) does backing vocals on it. It's certainly worth stealing off the internet, or even buying it if you're among the moral elite
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
So full
Oh Em Gee. I am so full of tacos
I made myself tacos, but not just regular tacos, those foldy ones you see on tacobell commercials.
So good!
I made myself tacos, but not just regular tacos, those foldy ones you see on tacobell commercials.
So good!
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Friday, January 19, 2007
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Monday, January 08, 2007
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
So, comic books. When it comes to comics for kids, there's not really all that much on the go from the big publishers: Marvel, DC, Dark Horse, or Image... You get all the good stuff from your little indy companies. Like the word free Owly from Oni Press or Mouse Guard from whoever publishes mouse guard (If you care enough you can google it quit being lazy) or the epitome of children's comic books, Bone. Bone has won 11 Harvey Awards and 10 Eisner Awards. This is like a movie getting 11 golden globes and 10 oscars; you know it's gonna be worth checking out.
Now I've had plenty of opportunity to buy and read Bone before but for some reason I just never did. For starters, Fone Bone (and the other two Bones) just look goofy making it seem more childish then the story really is. But looking at the cover, I had no idea and passed it by. This was stupid of me. The characters run the gamut here from the goofy Bone or Red Dragon look, to the realistic Thorn and Barrelhaven residents, to the older caricature-like Grandma Rose and Briar to the just creepy, surely nightmare inducing rat creatures, the book changes style all over the place but somehow they all feel right together. For the large part, this is probably due to it being black and white.
But, if Black and White isn't your cup of tea, Jeff Smith has been going through his series and colouring it for it's release in trade paperbacks. I don't have these, i have the "one volume edition" which is what I suggest you all go out and buy right now, but if you have kids to buy it for, you might go for the pricier coloured editions. I think they're put out through Scholastic, so you know, that's nifty.
Anyway, it's a comic, and I've talked about how it looks but I don't read comics for the art, I read the for the story. And Bone shines! This is a fantasy story and really feels to me like what you would get if Tolken sat down to write Lord of the Rings for children. The 3 Bones are our hobbits but we never see the Shire (Boneville) and they eventually get caught up in world ending battles against ancient evils, but not before some scheming from Phoney Bone and the Great Cow Race. Seriously. You know what? Scratch the LOTR reference. This is Teddy Ruxpin but without the singing. And with deadly serious bad guys. Tweeg wouldn't last long here.
So, anyone who I've ever conned into reading a comic book will probably like this. And you can buy the B&W one volume edition for under $50 which is a deal and half. It's over 1300 pages! So buy one for yourself and another copy for anybody you know who has kids
Now I've had plenty of opportunity to buy and read Bone before but for some reason I just never did. For starters, Fone Bone (and the other two Bones) just look goofy making it seem more childish then the story really is. But looking at the cover, I had no idea and passed it by. This was stupid of me. The characters run the gamut here from the goofy Bone or Red Dragon look, to the realistic Thorn and Barrelhaven residents, to the older caricature-like Grandma Rose and Briar to the just creepy, surely nightmare inducing rat creatures, the book changes style all over the place but somehow they all feel right together. For the large part, this is probably due to it being black and white.
But, if Black and White isn't your cup of tea, Jeff Smith has been going through his series and colouring it for it's release in trade paperbacks. I don't have these, i have the "one volume edition" which is what I suggest you all go out and buy right now, but if you have kids to buy it for, you might go for the pricier coloured editions. I think they're put out through Scholastic, so you know, that's nifty.
Anyway, it's a comic, and I've talked about how it looks but I don't read comics for the art, I read the for the story. And Bone shines! This is a fantasy story and really feels to me like what you would get if Tolken sat down to write Lord of the Rings for children. The 3 Bones are our hobbits but we never see the Shire (Boneville) and they eventually get caught up in world ending battles against ancient evils, but not before some scheming from Phoney Bone and the Great Cow Race. Seriously. You know what? Scratch the LOTR reference. This is Teddy Ruxpin but without the singing. And with deadly serious bad guys. Tweeg wouldn't last long here.
So, anyone who I've ever conned into reading a comic book will probably like this. And you can buy the B&W one volume edition for under $50 which is a deal and half. It's over 1300 pages! So buy one for yourself and another copy for anybody you know who has kids
Holiday cheer
Yeah, so I guess I kinda forgot about this place. Christmas was snazzy. Went home and took the Wii with me. All the big get togethers in our family happen at my parent's place, cause they have a big house with the garage and all that stuff, and this time around, everyone was crowding in the living room to try out Wii sports. It was awesome! There's just something special about seeing little 7 year old Ali beat her 30 year old aunt Christel in tennis. And I showed my cousin Angela the Fitness test part of the game. It has 15 mini games and makes you do 3 of them and gives your age based on the results, where 20 is the best age. She got 78! And you can only take the test once a day so she was bound and determined to come up the next day and get a better score.
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