Thursday, August 31, 2006

Water candle

Is this the coolest picture that has ever been made? Quite possibly. And were there other awesome pictures like this on the webpage Dave got it from? Most certainly. Was the website in Russian making new searches for the page futile? Of course. Did Dave clear his web history after getting this picture? You better believe it

Stupid Dave

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Haircut: Check Real Job: Check

So I took my resume into to Dobblesteyn's this morning. Got a phone call this afternoon. I start working out at the new hockey rink going out behind Leo Hayes next Tuesday. They work me for a month and then if I'm still into it, I get indetured and start a new career in the big boy leagues. Cause really, crappy jobs are crappy. This should be good.
I bought a new board game yesterday and I want to play yo. Puerto Rico!

Also, Transfomers continues to contradict itself to almost parody levels...

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

It's that time of night

So it's 1:39 am on a tuesday morning, so of course I'm watching transformers and listening to Quirks and Quarks podcasts. This one tells me about why snow squeaks and crunches in different temperatures. Also, yum beer! The glories of the unemployed man... I'm totally gonna play some Jungle Strike later too. Have I mentioned that I heart adding links into sentences? Cause I totally think it's totally awesome! As a geeky fan of manuals and Douglas Adams and Terry Pratchett, I can't get enough of footnotes. seriously, throw a little ¹ in there, and I get all gleed up about additional information readily available. You know, cause I'm a geek.
But I'm huge fan of the hyperlink. If I was a teacher, I would demand all essays to be be submitted as HTML, with links o'plenty peppered throughout. But none of those crap paid links that seem to be cropping up. The ones that are basically a program by like google ads or something, that takes very common words, underlines them twice in green instead of once in blue, and links you to some commercial that the word means. Those are annoying. Out of context information bugs me, and out of context info tryign to get me to buy stuff is not welcome. You hear me Google Ads? Get your internets out of the way of my internets! This isn't a truck you know

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Get Out Stay Out

So, tonight is my last day at Quiznos! Rock rock on! Oh I am so glad to be getting out of there right now. They're gonna be short on supervisors and competant staff, and they're gonna tear the place to pieces to put a Beavertails in there. Which is really just a bad move. Cause they're not gonna bother hiring any new staff to try and run that thing. And they'll need to clean the deep fryer... And judging from the way the managers / owners run the other stuff it just wno't get done. They have a "run it til it breaks" attitude on maintence. Oh well, it's somebody else's problem now.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

New you can use

Ah, an update on Dave.
I've quit the Quiznos gig!

Man that place was lousy. And kinda shady, they got us to date all the meat and veggies, but never actually threw any out, they just changed the dates on the stuff in case an inspector from head office came in... that's also known as disgusting. I would always throw old stuff out anyway, but who knows if other people did.
Also, they're getting a beavertails in there, which = deep fryer. Which makes Dave ++ happy to leave.

Oh, and I got my special collecter's edition of the entire Transformers series in the mail today! There's some funky chinese menus that you never really have to look at, but it's so awesome! Considering I only paid $11 for it, I'm amazed at the production value in it. There's a bunch of artwork from the Dreamwave comic series, and it came with post cards and a key chain, not to mention the big tin box it comes in. It is easily the best deal ever.

But oh man is Transformers hilarious! It's amazing how often the writers forget that they can all fly, cause at least once an episode someone falls out of the sky in a big crash

Friday, August 11, 2006

The Incomparable Brian Wood

So, the people who read this know how I tend too the indie side of media. Today a package arrived from the internet for me filled to bursting with comics. Comics by Brian Wood. Now I know that Comics are a niche market, and even the BIG names don't have much recognition outside of it's fans. Like, Alan Moore, Grant Morrison, Neil Gaiman, Brian Bendis... These are the rock stars of the industry. But keep in mind that the best selling books only sell 150,000 copies. And those the big sellers. So independant comic book guys are about as indie as you can get. And when nobody's watching you can make some really good stuff! He writes about everything from the allure of small towns (Local) to journalism in modern war (DMZ) to punk rock romance (Pounded). So I completed my collection of his stuff and am just in fricken love with it.

If you think you'd like comics, but don't think capes are your thing ask me to pick you out one of his things to read. Or come borrow it, whatever.

I'm really having a nice obscure night, reading b&w comics, clicking my way through new music canada (check out "Can you do that dance?" by Pink Mountaintops), drinking Dr Pepper, and watching stolen Patlabor episodes

Monday, August 07, 2006

Thoughts on lazer beams

So, just in case anyone is still on the 'is Dave a big geek?" fence... I think about this sort of thing ALL THE TIME!

Did you ever notice how in movies and videogames, you can always see the lazers that people / robots are shooting at each other? This isn't really the bad part too me, since there's bound to be some dissipation in the beam due to Tindel's effect. But the bad part is when people see it coming, and move out of the way! The lazer itself is MADE of light! It's moving as fast as the light refracted off it is coming to your eye. In other words, the very exact same instant that you see the lazer beam fired, it hits you. Hopefully in the eye. Heck you might even see it after you get hit, since the light your seeing bounced around a little on it's way to you. So, if these are just regular lazers, then dodging is out of the option.

So they can't be lazers. And really, if they're handheld guns, putting the power to produce enough light to do any serious damage, and the lenses to focus it in such a small space is costly and all kinds of dangerous. And sure, you can say that it's not light, just fired energy, but you still get the same problem. I like think that it is still light, but that it's light slowed down

Yeah, think about that one for a second. Cause you just can't do it. Except for maybe in some sort of space-stretching "warp" drives or other nonsense. But that also would take a bunch of power and I want my lazers handheld. Yes, this quickly turned into a "how can we make lazer guns cause I really want them" line of thinking.

So, we go back to keeping regular light, focused in on itself, and somehow refracting the wavelengths, off of itself. This really doesn't make much sense, but I really like the idea. The lazer beam is a tightly packed group of light bouncing off of itself, inside itself, to keep it condensed into a single point of contact and seering lazer death! High five!

And then you can have all kinds of wacky stuff, like altering the speed of the beam for intensity, so fast shots do less damage then slow shots, which is the sort of balance you'd expect in, you guessed it, video games. Which means that I like this idea, regardless of just how rediculous it is.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Hey Lady, it's NOT in you to give

So I gave blood yesterday. I feel it's important to have a good supply of my blood type floating around in case of shenangins. Plus they sometimes have kick ass treats for you. Not this time though. But they did have those vanilla Oreo cookies, which kick ass! Vanilla is my favorite flavour of everything.

When I got there, there was this... I was gonna say middle aged, but she was more like a 3/4 aged woman already in a bed with her arm dripping away. So I did my iron test, filled out a questionaire, had my pulse, blood pressure & temp taken, was looked over for track lines, got more questions from a nurse about the things I might have exchanged for sex and / or drugs, then went out and ended up in the bed right next to this woman. Still there, her blood sack maybe half full.

Now I am a champion bleeder! I do okay on the clot tests, but I get an A for blood letting. I showed her how it was done, and in less than 20 minutes I was out of the bed again. Keep in mind they make you wait for 10 before standing up again after you finish. Booyah Grandma! So then I went and had a few oranges and a few juice boxes and a whole mess of cookies and water while reading some David Copperfield. I didn't pay much attention to how much time had passed but I looked back when I left and she was still there!

Come on! I know you want to be a hero (like me) but maybe you should be picking up a few pints instead of dropping one off

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Maxed out Inbox

So, when I got home today I found at that my Inbox was overflowing. Not my Gmail one, cause that's some sort of tesseract, but my outside the house mailbox was full! I got a t-shirt (yay) some junk mail from Aliant (boo) some mail from Ali (yay) and my credit card bill (boo). But you get a free yogurt, the yogurt is also cursed, but you get your free choice of topping, the toppings contain lithium sodiate.