This sort of thing never stops happening to me! Now I get surprised when something happens that I haven't been thinking about for half an hour
Thursday, June 29, 2006
But I like the Vehicle Team
Okay, so does anyone else live with a constant barage of coincidences? I decided that I wanted to get the old Voltron series, started downloading them, then hit my bookmarks to find this comic:

This sort of thing never stops happening to me! Now I get surprised when something happens that I haven't been thinking about for half an hour
This sort of thing never stops happening to me! Now I get surprised when something happens that I haven't been thinking about for half an hour
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Charismatic Kerisma
So, a really weird thing happened today at work. Keri brought back my copy of the Labyrinth on DVD. This wouldn't have been that weird except that we haven't spoken in about a year after a "falling out". I'll admit that'it was all my doing, cause I was just way too smitten (I realize this is a corny word, but it fits the best) with her. Also, I doubt that she really thought I meant what I said when I told her after the fight that we were done as friends, she probably thought it was just a normal fight or whatever... But yeah, she just came in, ran over, put the movie on the counter, said she was sorry, and left. I = puzzled
Monday, June 26, 2006
Extra Ordinary
So I have a work filled week, including 10 hours on Canada day! This is both raise day and a time and a half day. And less tax day! It's a good day to be my bank account... I wonder if my bank account could spontaniously develop sentience... Like if I put an extra halk penny in there, the 0s and 1s could add up into some crazy Ghost in the Shell life. And then it changes my pin number (tee hee, I'm stupid! personal identification number number? Wise up Dave) so I can't pull him it apart, but that change turns him from benevolant checking account(bum bum BUM!) to rampaging AI monster! And then it comes after me so that I can't like, go to a teller or something and access it directly, and it possesses those new smart cars that look super ugly, and I'd laugh until I saw them all combine voltron style and it trys to go stompy on me. And then it would tunr out that the only way to stop it would be to open a savings account to be the good Captain Kirk to it's evil Captain Kirk... All the time stopping at every ATM trying to guess the new PIN.
Somebody call Joel Schumacher, I've got a movie for him
Somebody call Joel Schumacher, I've got a movie for him
Saturday, June 24, 2006
The Second Round
So, we're past the group stage of the World Cup and the Netherlands are still in it. Not that I was worried they'd make it this far. But now, they have to play Portugal next. So I'm worried. I think they have the best shot of winning this year. I figure it's going to be a Germany / Portugal final. Of course, I'm hoping it's Germany / Holland final, but I wouldn't put money on it. It's really quite nice out, so I think I'll spend some outside time after this Argentina / Mexico match ends. But I can't leave it cause it's pretty fricken awesome
Grant hearts my ears
So, I don't know if there is anyone out there in the internet that doesn't know about CBC Radio 3's podcast but hot damn I enjoy it! It's the number one (#1) downloaded podcast on iTunes every single week. The best of new Canadian Indie music every week, from rock to trance to country to rap... It's just about the best place I can think of to find new awesome to listen to. Well, that and Pandora
Friday, June 23, 2006
Lazy lazy teachers
So it's the last week of school, today being the last day for most of them I think. Anyways, as everybody knows, the last week of school = a complete joke, comprising mostly of french language speeling bees and games of hangman. And of course, trips to the local icecream parlor. Yay! So, with all the planning that must go into these trips, printing permission slips, sending them home, telling all the parents to send moeny with their kids and all that, you'd think that at least one of the teachers would phone the icecream place to make sure they can handle a sudden barage of 80 tweens. It's really not that hard! We'd know that people were coming, and we could have had extra people working. Instead at the absolute busiest time of day, when all the office workers are wrapped half way around the store as we try to rush their subs through the oven, I hear a wall of noise come through the doors... and we = pooched.
So that's what the lazy teachers do. My Dad actually drove to St John last saturday to check out places to eat after going swimming there. Stupid lazy teachers...
So that's what the lazy teachers do. My Dad actually drove to St John last saturday to check out places to eat after going swimming there. Stupid lazy teachers...
I hate women over 35
So, everytime i come along a pack of 40ish women cackling at how they're all going dry, it makes me wish I owned a gun.
Thursday, June 22, 2006
Complimentary Compliments?
So there's a salon on way to both work, and the place where I've been watching the World Cup, and on the sign outside they say they're giving away a complimentary eyebrow shaping with every pedicure... And really these two body parts could ot be further away from each other. So, I'm thinking that the salon owner's pet peve is all these girls walking around with their bushy eyebrows and she's out to set them right! On almost the same topic, I want to have a "help the skanky" day and hand out full size t-shirts and sandwiches to teenage girls at the mall. Society just can't be trusted to cover up their jutting hip bones without my help.
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
New Post Day
So I've got nothing to talk about, which almost immediately turns conversations to the Simpsons, video games or comic books. But not today! Maybe. I don't know. So my apartment is on the ground floor with one window, and in front of that window was a huge crop of alders effectively blocking our stars harmful radiation from my peaceful dreamland. But then one morning, and I'm not talking about a "Dave Standard" morning of 2 pm, actual morning, like 6:30 am three guys came around and cut them all down! What's the deal guys? I think one of them was my landlord. Come on landlord? Are my mornings not productive enough for you? Should I start getting the paper and do some reading up on my stocks while the Mrs trys to get the kids out of bed and fed so they also have productive mornings? Huh? Well I've got news for you Mister! You and your tree cutting guys. I just closed my window and managed to sleep in! Yup yup yup. I just played a game of go online. I got STOMPED. This guy kept trapping me in ladders and I always seemed to be one step behind in my capturing battles... He didn't have his rank up, so I didn't get a rank because of that, or something... I want to know how crappy I am!
Monday, June 19, 2006
Going nowhere
So, I'm trying to play Go against my dad, but MSN decided that they were going to improve it, and put it directly on the games list in messenger. And when they do that, then they're deleting it from the Zone webpage. Of course this didn't actually happen, they deleted it for sure, but haven't put it up on messanger yet... It's not like they really had that much work to do is there? They had it made, and it was already configured to work using an MSN passport and on their servers... What's the fricken hold up? Also watching game 7 of the stanley cup finals... I should be cheering for the Oilers, but my god they play dirty. More hockey and less penalties please
Bananaless splits please
We ran out of bananas at the icecream bar today, but people still wanted them. Now this just confuses me, cause the only reason to get a banana split over a sundae or parfait is the fact that it's got banana in it, and bananas are delicious. Maybe these people just don't want anything to do with fench sounding words. Okay, from now on banana splits without bananas are called bigot splits
World Cup Fever!
It is World cup time!!!! WOO HOO!!! Of course I don't have cable, but then again, I don't have internet and I'm still typing this, so this isn't a big damper to my match viewing. There's a free trade coffee shop just down the street that's a hangout for people who'd buy free trade coffee, and that means that the games are always on when I walk in there. Plus, it's part of the city's free wireless internet zone, so I can have all the stats and such up while I watch. It's good stuff! And I love bright orange shirts, so who should I chear for? Holland? The Netherlands?
Nah, screw it, I'll chear for the Dutch...
Nah, screw it, I'll chear for the Dutch...
Wait wait, Spider-man is Peter Parker???
So for all the non-geeks out there who might happen across this, Spider-man is out! Not out of the closet, but out of the tights! He revealed his secret identity!!! And not just to like Aunt May or MJ... No no, he held a fricken press conference and took off his mask!
Oh Marvel Comics, let's go get drunk and spend a magical night in a hot tub...
Oh Marvel Comics, let's go get drunk and spend a magical night in a hot tub...
Dave - The Blog 2: Electric Boogaloo
So I decided that I missed having a blog, mostly cause I miss complete nonsensical writing. Why yes, I did read the new Kurt Vonnegut book. And yeah, the new Douglas Coupland too. I'm sorry, but an entire page devoted to a very small font of the phrase "Grind the molten bucket" makes my little spark gleam! Maybe I should have said soul, but if Spark is good enough for Optimus Prime, then it's good enough for me! I mean who would put a goal from Tony Hawk in their book, without any context, or anything else even on that page? A fellow geek that's who. I like how he writes himself into this book (a very Vonnegut thing to do) and has all the characters refer to him as a snobby asshole. Beautiful! I'm working on a mixed cd for work, so no cussing! Here's what I've got so far:
Coffee Song - Transistor
Nowhere with you - Joel Plaskett
Ballad of a lonely Construction worker - Cuff the Duke
Crude Bomb - The Evens
Phonomenon - Yeah Yeah Yeahs
Ego tripping at the gates of hell - The Flaming Lips
Styrofoam Boots / It's All Nice on Ice, Alright - Modest Mouse
Anatomy of a Headline - Sylvie
Speak Slow - Tegan and Sarah
Jockey Full of Bourbon - Tom Waits
Such Great Heights - The Postal Service
I'd ask for suggestions but no one knows this exists yet, and by the time I show it around, I'll have a few more posts and more than likely, that cd done.
Coffee Song - Transistor
Nowhere with you - Joel Plaskett
Ballad of a lonely Construction worker - Cuff the Duke
Crude Bomb - The Evens
Phonomenon - Yeah Yeah Yeahs
Ego tripping at the gates of hell - The Flaming Lips
Styrofoam Boots / It's All Nice on Ice, Alright - Modest Mouse
Anatomy of a Headline - Sylvie
Speak Slow - Tegan and Sarah
Jockey Full of Bourbon - Tom Waits
Such Great Heights - The Postal Service
I'd ask for suggestions but no one knows this exists yet, and by the time I show it around, I'll have a few more posts and more than likely, that cd done.
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